Supporting all survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault in
Summit County, Colorado.
All services provided in English and Spanish
Summit Advocates is now ARISE

Our Mission
To provide survivor-defined, trauma-informed services which enhance safety and justice for survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, and trauma, while promoting peace in our community.
What We Do
24/7 Crisis Line
Medical/Legal Accompaniment
Mental and Emotional Support
Health and Wellness Options
Referrals to Community Partners
Matched Savings Program
Rent/Mortgage Assistance
Relocation Assistance
Safe House
Pet friendly shelter
Transitional Housing
Emergency Hotel Stays
Community Outreach
Training for Community Partners
Our Impact

One of the biggest things that impacted me to keep wanting to volunteer was writing out how thankful I was for the people who had been through my situation, shared their stories, and had gone to the other side. It really gave me hope that not only was this [the abuse she faced from her partner] real and valid, but there was going to be an end to it if I wanted to. And there was a thriving life on the other side, which there is.
A past client and current ARISE volunteer

A past client
I lost my everything. But thanks to God, I have met this organization. ARISE helped me a lot. I will never forget this organization. Whenever I remember ARISE a smile appears on my face and it fills my heart. ARISE is my second family.
5479 nights
of emergency shelter provided to survivors and their dependent children in 2023 *Pet-friendly shelter*

received at our 24 hour crisis hotline
in 2023 in English and Spanish
513 calls

435 new clients
received free advocacy services in 2023